Sunday, March 27, 2011

More Music

It seems all I talk about is music so far on this thing, but the thing is, most of my musings happen as I drive to and from church choir.  I mean, they happen at other times, like in the middle of the night, and while they sound genious to me at the time, I don't remember any of it at all, just that I thought it was genious...hmmm...
Anyways, back to my original muse.  Music.  How I love it.  It is amazing the power music has to change a mood, give comfort, and get you moving.  Church choir is just one example of how much music influences me.  I could show up stressed and worried about life, and by the time I leave, I am relaxed, humming and loving every minute of this life that is mine. 
We recently used our tax return money to purchase a piano, and having a piano in our home has changed the atmosphere completely.  Instead of going right to the tv, my husband instead goes to the piano and plays.  He has an amazing talent to play by ear, and it is beautiful and calming.  So instead of some guy show, which usually involves guns and explosions, I get to hear beautiful music. 
I enjoy playing the piano as well, although my talent is nowhere near my husband's.  I do know how to read music and I can usually plunk my way through some of the hymns that we have in our hymnal.  I'm no great talent at playing or singing, but being a part of the music increases the happiness I feel ten-fold.  Oh, how I love it! 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I find it hard sometimes to think of others and their weaknesses.  I always assume that others are so sure of themselves and their decisions.  Meanwhile I have always feared that others think the worst of me as we interact.  Case in point:  I look in the rearview mirror and see a vehicle.  I don't know who is in the vehicle, but I automatically assume that they don't like me or my driving. 
Strange, huh?  But that's how it's been my whole life.  I realize that I am a good mom, a decent athlete, and an awesome wife.  (Not such a great home maker though...), but for some reason I assume that everybody else thinks otherwise. 
Perhaps all of us have some part of this syndrome inside of them.  But then again they probably all think that I am a little weird...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

True Love?

Ahhh, the thought of true love does seriously warm my heart.  But does it really truly exist?  I suppose if you put two people together that are naturally unselfish and are hardworking and have the same thoughts and desires, then yes, I believe true love does happen. 
On the other hand, I also believe that it takes work to reach that point.  Sure, you may really, really, like someone when you marry them, hey, you may even love them just a little, but is it true love?  Just think of the high rates of divorce and you may wonder...
We forget so easily that not too long ago couples were formed from mutual respect and similar goals.  I remember being disappointed when my grandfather told me why he had chosen my grandmother.  She was a pretty girl and a hard worker...and there were other things as well, but no glowing romantic reviews, just that, plain and simple.  Courtship was short, as was the engagement, and once you were married, that was it.  Not long before that couples were formed by the parents.  It is still practiced in some cultures today.  Amazing how two strangers can live together and bring forth children and still seem happy.  Many people gasp at the thought of not choosing their own mate, but do we really know ourselves well enough at all to do such a thing? 
I believe they were happy because they chose to be happy.  You can't always change the circumstances that you find yourself in, but you can change how you react to them. 
I wonder how many couples enter into marriage with the thought of divorce at the back of their minds.  I wonder how many "irreconcilable differences" could be reconciled if that weren't an option for divorce.  It seems our culture of getting what we want, when we want it has pervaded even into our homes.  If you are not being the spouse we want, then we will divorce and find another spouse.  Hmmmm...
My marriage is not perfect, but I was very lucky and blessed to marry a wonderful man who has the same goals and aspirations as I did.  We both entered into this with no thought of divorce, striking it from our vocabulary.  We both knew that we would go through tough times, but we were stuck with each other.  That is the agreement we made, and we are sticking to it now.  Wow have there been tough times.  There have been times when I've wondered how we were going to make it through, but make it through we did, and things right now are wonderful.  My feelings for him have grown exponentially as I have watched him struggle with some of his weaknesses and conquer them, and I like to think that he can see how I am trying to improve myself for him as well.  Sure we still have our bad days, who doesn't?  But I am incredibly grateful that we have stuck with it.
So is there true love?  Sure, but I believe it is a process, not an immediate thing.  Every day my love for my sweetheart grows stronger, and every struggle and disagreement that we make it through is a testament to our growing closer together.  Having the ability to disagree and still feel that wonderful feeling for each other is the core of our own journey to true love.  I am glad that we haven't given up.