Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Endings

Just another vent about writing class again.  We had a big long discussion today about why happy endings are bad, the teacher's main point being that they aren't "real".  I sat there and wondered what kind of life he had lived.  How can you not believe happy endings are real?  His point was, "That's just not how the world is.  Things just don't go they way you think they should."  He prefered the sad endings that most short stories have, as did the rest of the class.  I spoke up and blatantly told them that I prefered sunshine and rainbows at the end of the books I read.  It's not that I don't like the thought provoking endings that we have been reading, on the contrary I do enjoy them immensely, but would it be so terrible to have a story with a happy ending?  What is so unreal about it?  Even a sad ending, but one full of hope, would be nice once in a while. 
I left and thought about it all the way home.  My life has not all been sunshine and rainbows, I will concede to that, of course, but I believe I will have plenty of "happy endings" in my life, or perhaps they could be called beginnings.  I've already had at least three: I got the guy, graduated from college, and have two beautiful children. 
I've had some sad things happen as well: the sudden death of loved ones, ilnesses, car accidents, a miscarriage, lost job, etc, etc, etc... but those are not my endings.  I don't have sad endings, I have opportunities to grow and become better, reasons to change.
I think, just to spite him, my next story assignment will be filled with only happy things, just to prove a point.  Sand dunes and good night kisses come to mind.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I never saw this blog before. Can I just tell you that I love this post? I hope you keep this blog up in your spare time, it's great!
